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Course Skill Level:

Intermediate to Advanced

Course Duration:

2.5 day/s

  • Course Delivery Format:

    Live, instructor-led.

  • Course Category:

    Programming & Development

  • Course Code:


Who should attend & recommended skills:

React experienced web developers

Who should attend & recommended skills

  • Experienced web developers with current, solid hands-on experience with React
  • Web development: Basic (1-2 years)
  • React: Basic (1-2 years hands-on experience)

About this course

React Hooks revolutionize how you manage state and effects in your web applications. They enable you to build simple and concise React.js applications, along with helping you avoid using wrapper components in your applications, making it easy to refactor code.
This React course starts by introducing you to React Hooks. You will then get to grips with building a complex UI in React while keeping the code simple and extensible. Next, you will quickly move on to building your first applications with React Hooks. In the next few modules, the course delves into various Hooks, including the State and Effect Hooks. After covering State Hooks and understanding how to use them, you will focus on the capabilities of Effect Hooks for adding advanced functionality to React apps. You will later explore the Suspense and Context APIs and how they can be used with Hooks.

Skills acquired & topics covered

  • The fundamentals of React Hooks and how they modernize state management in React apps
  • The limitations of Hooks and what you should and shouldn’t use them for
  • Getting to grips with implementing React context using Hooks