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What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a text-based programming language. It is primarily used by web browsers to create interactive and dynamic user experiences. While HTML and CSS give structure and style to webpages, JavaScript provides the engaging elements of a website. Some examples include search boxes on ecommerce sites, videos and audio embedded into news articles, animations, image carousels, and social media feeds. JavaScript enables web designers to create sites and pages that are memorable, unique, and that stand out from the rest.

JavaScript is one of the most widely-used programming languages worldwide, and has a significant history. It is the only language native to the web browser, and is known for being easy-to-learn, user friendly, engaging, and fun to learn. It allows for a level of creativity and personal style that allow a user to bring their personal style to the things they create. It is an especially useful skill for those who do not have a background in tech or who do not necessarily want to pursue a career in tech, as it is highly versatile and useful for any industry that operates on the internet in any capacity.

Who needs to learn it?

JavaScript classes are for:

  • Beginners
  • Web developers
  • Graphic designers
  • Software architects
  • Game designers
  • Bloggers
  • Marketers
  • Animators
  • Video content creators
  • Photographers
  • App developers
  • Social media specialists

What you can create:

Because of the range of possibilities it offers, JavaScript can be used to create countless user experiences and add unique, dynamic elements to websites. The possibilities are virtually endless. The following are just a few examples of what you can create with JavaScript:

  • Websites
  • Social media platforms
  • Blogs
  • Graphics
  • Animations
  • AI
  • Digital art
  • Videos
  • Video games
  • Mobile and desktop applications

Earning potential and career options

JavaScript is among the leading programming languages in the world for its versatility and range of uses. It enables users to create memorable

JavaScript developer – $117,023

Software engineer – $107,385

Application developer – $91,019

Web developer – $78,084

Marketing manager – $71,300

Designer – $68,431

Content producer – $56,849

Video game designer – $55,304

Social media manager – $44,204

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    About our dedicated educators

    At Skill Developers, our JavaScript experts deliver engaging, comprehensive learning materials to students via virtual labs. Our courses are flexible, and our teachers make themselves available 24/7 to answer questions and ensure each student is getting the most out of the course. Contact us today to get started with a JavaScript education course and significantly increase your career options.

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