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Course Skill Level:


Course Duration:

3 day/s

  • Course Delivery Format:

    Live, instructor-led.

  • Course Category:

    Linux & Unix

  • Course Code:


Who should attend & recommended skills:

System and application end-users and support personnel inexperienced in Unix OS

Who should attend & recommended skills

  • System and application end-users who have little or no experience with the UNIX Operating System. Application support personnel, such as database administrators and 4GL programmers, who need a functional familiarity with basic system tools and commands
  • There are no specific skills/experience needed for this course

About this course

This course prepares the student for the basics of using a Unix or Unix-like operating system. This includes creating and managing files and directories, performing string searches through files, basic security mechanisms and how to use them effectively, and other basic topics.

Skills acquired & topics covered

  • Upon completion of this course, using the following features, the participant will be able to interactively and within shell scripts:
  • Use commands to manipulate files (including using the editor),
  • Navigate through the file system,
  • Manage processes and background tasks, and
  • Customize his or her environment.