Flutter is Google’s open-source framework for creating mobile apps that run natively on iOS and Android phones as well as on the web.
Sure, app development has been around for years. But until Flutter, app development has been incredibly difficult. You kind of have to be a super-developer to write apps for iOS. And writing them for Android is equally hard. But writing for both? Forget about it! You have to be familiar with Objective C/Swift, Java/Kotlin, XCode, Eclipse, and a bunch of other technologies simultaneously.
Flutter helps to simplify mobile app development for any platform. And bonus — you can create iOS apps and Android apps with one codebase!
Want to learn how? This course breaks down the complex tasks into easily digestible sections with plenty of examples and hands-on labs with starters and solutions. And every student gets a copy of “Beginning App Development with Flutter” by Rap Payne (ISBN 1484251806)