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Course Skill Level:


Course Duration:

2 day/s

  • Course Delivery Format:

    Live, instructor-led.

  • Course Category:


  • Course Code:


Who should attend & recommended skills:

Executives, managers, project managers, business analysts, business SMEs, technical leads, and team members

Who should attend & recommended skills

  • Executives, managers, project managers, business analysts, business SMEs, technical leads, and team members
  • There are no specific skills/experience needed for this course

About this course

This highly interactive workshop introduces a variety of creative problem solving and decision-making tools and techniques. Participants will learn to analyze problems, generate creative solutions, and decide which solution most closely matches their needs. In addition to the numerous activities and exercises throughout the training where participants get to practice the different tools and techniques learned, they will also apply the learning and their problem solving skills on an interesting case study that will take them back to the days of Ancient Egypt and building the great pyramids.

Skills acquired & topics covered

  • Apply a four-step process to systematically solve problems and decide on appropriate solutions
  • Use methods and tools (systematic process and fishbone diagramming) to discover the underlying cause of a problem
  • Use brainstorming, and several other creative thinking techniques to generate possible solutions to the problem
  • Identify the best choice from various options
  • Use the following decision-making techniques: Pro/Con, Force Field Analysis, Decision Matrix, Feasibility/Capability Analysis, and Cost/Benefit Analysis
  • Create an Action Plan to implement the appropriate solution

Course breakdown / modules

  • Define the problem
  • Find out your problem-solving style (Self-assessment)
  • Systematic Problem Definition (6 Basic Questions)
  • Systematic Problem Definition (Grid)
  • Fish Bone Diagrams / Ishikawa/ Cause and Effect diagrams

  • Brainstorming
  • Reverse Brainstorming
  • Mind Mapping
  • De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats

  • Pro’s and Con’s
  • Force field analysis
  • Decision Matrix
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis
  • Feasibility/Capability Analysis

  • Create an action plan
  • Break solution into action steps
  • Prioritize actions and assign roles
  • Follow-up at milestones
  • Competitive review game – An Exciting review challenge (PowerPoint Game) to end your training on a high note!